Yakubov Vitaly Apps

Counter 1.1
Yakubov Vitaly
-setting vibration on clicking-setting sound on clicking-setting disable screen locking
Чат Анонимка 2.1
Yakubov Vitaly
Полностью анонимный чат.- Поиск по полу и возрасту- Быстрое начало чатаCompletelyanonymouschat.- Search by age and sex- Quick Start chat
AnonimChat 1.2
Yakubov Vitaly
Многопользовательский чат с различными темамидля разговоров.Чат абсолютно анонимный. Можно выбрать произвольное имя и тему дляразговора.Multiplayer chat with avariety of topics of conversation.Chat is absolutely anonymous. You can choose any name and the topicof conversation.
dB Soundmeter 1,00
Yakubov Vitaly
Measuring volume- Adjust the scale of the chart- 2 units- calibrationAttention! The accuracy depends on the accuracy of yourdevice'smicrophone.
Inclinometer, speedometer free 1.0.0
Yakubov Vitaly
- Inclinometer - shows current pitch and car roll. - Speedometer -shows current speed by GPS. - Altimeter - shows the height abovesea level. - Compass - shows the direction of movement. -Calibration device position. - No any ads. The compass shows thedirection of movement in 2 ways - via GPS or via a built-in sensorin your phone (tablet). For good operation of your phone (tablet)must be equipped with a compass, accelerometer and GPS sensors.During acceleration or braking value of pitch and roll may differfrom the actual. Requires Android OS 4.4 or above.
Угадай и напиши 1.0.1
Yakubov Vitaly
Угадайте предмет на картинке изапишитеего.В игре собраны самые популярные предметы, которые можно встретитьвбыту.Учим и повторяем написания слов играя.Guess the object inthepicture and write it down.The game contains the most popular items that can be foundineveryday life.We learn and repeat the spelling words by playing.
Yakubov Vitaly
Увлекательная игра. Помогает развиватьлогику,внимательность, а так же поможет узнать новые слова.- Три сложности уровней- Рейтинг игроковExciting game. It helpstodevelop the logic, attentiveness, and also helps to learnnewwords.- Three difficulty levels- Player Rankings
Мобильные задачи и проекты 0.1.0
Yakubov Vitaly
Данная программа поможет вамсистематизироватьзадачи, а так же следить за выполнениемпроекта.Возможности программы:- Установка приоритетов задач- Пометка избранных задач- Изменение статусов задач- Просмотр задач по отдельным проектам- Отборы (фильтры) для списка задач- Привязка каждой задачи к отдельному проекту- Создание произвольной последовательности статусов- Добавление своих статусов, а так жеизменениепредопределенныхThis program will helpyouorganize tasks, as well as monitor the implementation oftheproject.Features:- Set task priorities- Mark selected tasks- Change the status of a task- View tasks for individual projects- Selection (filters) for a list of tasks- Binding of each task to a specific project- Creation of an arbitrary sequence of statuses- Add your status, as well as changing the predefined
4 картинки 1 лишняя часть 2 1.14.1
Yakubov Vitaly
Продолжение легендарной игрыОдна самых интересных и увлекательных игр!Более 500 000 людей выбрали эту игру, подключайся и ты.Для игры не требуется мощный телефон или планшет. Игра пойдетпрактически на любом устройстве.Игра отлично работает без подключения к интернету.- более 200 уровней- 800 различных картинок- соревнование в рейтинге с игроками со всего света- самые лучшие уровни, которые выбрали сами пользователиПРАВИЛА ИГРЫВ Каждом уровне Вам показываются 4 картинки.Необходимо выбрать картинку, которая выбивается из 3-х других покакому-то критерию.Будьте осторожны, есть уровни с подвохом.В случае предложений и вопросов, пишите наyacubovvs@yandex.ruContinuation of thelegendary gameOne the most interesting and exciting games!More than 500 000 people have chosen this game, we connectyou.For the game does not require a powerful phone or tablet. The gamewill go on virtually any device.The game works fine without an internet connection.- More than 200 levels- 800 different images- Competition in the rankings with players from around theworld- Best available rates, who have chosen the users themselvesRULES OF THE GAMEIn each level you are shown 4 images.You must select an image that stands out from the other 3 accordingto some criteria.Be careful, there are levels of a trick.In case of questions and suggestions, please write toyacubovvs@yandex.ru
Eat it?
Yakubov Vitaly
Exciting game.In each level you need to choose whether the objects areedible.When you start the game, click "Yes" if you think that the item isedible and "No", if you think that the object is not edible.
Cheap air tickets, online comp 1.0.7
Yakubov Vitaly
Comparison of tickets from different airlines. Search for thecheapest tickets.
Inclinometer, speedometer travel tools light 1.0.0
Yakubov Vitaly
The application works without Internet. A good helper fortravelingby car, bike, boat or plane. You see, when the GPS signalis lost.2 places for manual parameter setting. What you may know:-Inclinometer pitch - Inclinometer roll - Speed - The azimuth ofthecompass - Height above sea level Application: - Calibration oftheinclinometer - Alarm setting - Speed in miles per hour,kilometersper hour, knots or meters per second. - Distance inmiles, nauticalmiles, meters or kilometers.
Inclinometer, speedometer, travel tools Free 1.0.0
Yakubov Vitaly
Free version of app. A complete tool kit for travel.Travelassistant. Even if you do not have Internet, you can find away tohome or find out the parameters of your trip. With theInternet youcan learn about the objects around you on the map. Allthat you canbe useful when traveling away from civilization or inthe city. -Inclinometer - Speedometer - Map - Direction to points -Alarms ofspeed, pitch, roll, altitude, distance or time What youcan know: -Inclinometer pitch - Inclinometer roll - Speed - Maxspeed - Minspeed - Average speed - Speed since track start -Compass azimuth -Passed distance - Distance to points (to startpoint or other) -Altitude above sea level
Inclinometer, speedometer, navigator travel tools 1.0.0
Yakubov Vitaly
A complete tool kit for travel. Travel assistant. Even if you donothave Internet, you can find a way to home or find out theparametersof your trip. With the Internet you can learn about theobjectsaround you on the map. All that you can be useful whentravelingaway from civilization or in the city. - Inclinometer -Speedometer- Map - Direction to points - Alarms of speed, pitch,roll,altitude, distance or time What you can know: - Inclinometerpitch -Inclinometer roll - Speed - Max speed - Min speed - Averagespeed -Speed since track start - Compass azimuth - Passed distance-Distance to points (to start point or other) - Altitude abovesealevel
Lux Meter 4.0.1
Yakubov Vitaly
- Maximum accuracy of measurement for all devices. - Numberofmeasurements - 3 times per second. - Totally free application.-Works on phones and tablets. - Easy to use - Calibration StylesThemost convenient and simple program